City Motivators for City Lovers: FOUR


 Here is the fourth of a series that I hope will be an encouragement to those who have a 'city focus'. 

City Motivators for City Takers: FOUR

Ascending to Zion – Psalm 122


The 15 Psalms of Ascent have always been a favourite set of scriptures for me. Psalm 122 has been of special interest. Three times a year the tribes of Israel were required to gather and ascend to the house of the Lord in Jerusalem. Despite this being mandatory they did it with great joy.


Here is the whole psalm:

“I was overjoyed when they said, “Let’s go up to the house of the Lord.” And now at last we stand here, inside the very gates of Jerusalem! O Jerusalem, you were built as a city of praise, where God and man mingle together.

This is where all the tribes of Yahweh are required to come and worship him. This is where the thrones of kings have been established to rule in righteousness; even King David ruled from here.

Pray and seek for Jerusalem’s peace, for all who love her will prosper! O Jerusalem, may there be peace for those who dwell inside your walls and prosperity in your every palace. I intercede for the sake of my family and friends who dwell there, that they may all live in peace. For the sake of your house, Yahweh our God, I will seek the welfare and prosperity of Jerusalem.”

Psalms 122:1-9 TPT


Why were these ascensions to Jerusalem such a high point in the life of every Israelite? The Ark was now on Mt. Zion in Jerusalem. The psalmist described Mt. Zion as “high and magnificent; the whole earth rejoices to see it! Mount Zion, the holy mountain”, Psalm 48:2 NLT. This was now the place of Presence. It was here in the Presence, that kings were anointed and established to rule.


Our cities too can be places of Presence. As the ‘ecclesia’ in our cities become one in each place it will have an increasing awareness of His manifest presence. Leaders will have increasing clarity as to what ‘the Spirit is saying’ to them in each city (Rev. 2+3). The ‘ecclesia’, thereby, will be enabled to make powerful, Spirit led declarations that will ‘forbid and release’ with the authority that Jesus has delegated to His ‘ecclesia’, His legislative assembly. (see foot-note below)

“I give you the name Peter, a stone. And this rock will be the bedrock foundation on which I will build my church—my legislative assembly, and the power of death will not be able to overpower it! I will give you the keys of heaven’s kingdom realm to forbid on earth that which is forbidden in heaven, and to release on earth that which is released in heaven.”

Matthew 16:18-19 TPT


As city takers we are being called to unite, ascend ‘come up and worship’ that he might establish, enthrone and anoint us as his church, His ‘ecclesia’. Now is the time to focus afresh on the King of kings and be the people He has called us to be.

1 Peter 2:9 says “But you are God’s chosen treasure, priests who are kings, a spiritual “nation” set apart …”


May we, as part of God’s ‘ecclesia’ join with others and be empowered to intercede, boldly lay hold of and declare the finished work of Christ over our cities and our nation as a whole. Amen.


For more on the ‘ecclesia’ click below.


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